Bokor Mountain

Bokor Hill is located 42 km from the provincial town of Kompot province. It was erected by French colonists in 1922 during the reign of King Sisowath. Bokor was a resort location for affluent French colonists who needed a change of atmosphere.

The Bokor Hill is 1,075 meters high, and promises good weather and magnificent views. Big trees casting shadows over the water and rocks shaped as animal figures hold particular interest for tourists. The mountain overlooks Kampot Town, Kep Beach, Preah Sihanouk Province and blue sea water.
7 km away from the mountain, sits a swimming spot at Popork Vil Waterfall. Tourists can swim and bathe here for pleasure.

Temperatures in Bokor are lower than in Phnom Penh or Kampot, generally staying in the 15-25 ¬¬C range. On a clear day, there are stunning views down into the valley, Kampot town scenery, coastline of Kampot and Sihanouk Ville. In rainy season, it is swathed in rolling clouds and visibility drops to zero. However, you still can find the fun moment as it is remain only in very short time.
You are recommended to bring warm clothes.

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